Perfect Welding

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Perfect Welding

About  Fronius UK

Fronius TSN
Fronius UK serves the UK and Ireland from Milton Keynes and East Kilbride.

Fronius UK serves the UK & Ireland from two locations – Milton Keynes & East Kilbride. Our UK based team of sales, application and service engineers provide site visits, servicing, calibration and training to a range of customers across numerous industries to ensure the right solution is integrated into the customer’s business, ensuring their welding needs are met today and in the future.

Our Milton Keynes technology centre hosts our training academy, which provides welding process, product and service and maintenance training, as well as laboratory testing for customers prior to the purchase and installation of their welding system to ensure they receive the best solution for their requirements.

Sheldon Brear, Sales Director

“Our Perfect Welding team is passionate about making sure we provide our customers with the right solution to fulfil their welding needs not just for today but also for the future. By working in partnership with our customers, R&D and product specialists, we will continue to develop innovative products to fulfil our customers welding requirements.”

Fronius PW, Sheldon Brear