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Fronius System Partnership Solar Energy

General queries

There is no difference. In North, Central and South America, as well as Australia, the term “Fronius Solutions Partner” is used, while in Europe, Asia and Africa the term is “Fronius System Partner”.
Please go to our website and select your country to be redirected to the page for your market. Here you will find the partnership models available to your company with an overview of the goals, benefits and requirements. If you cannot find your country in the list, we do not offer a partnership there. 
Your company can become a Fronius System Partner if you sell photovoltaic (PV) systems with/without integration of energy-storage solutions or other system components to end customers. And you are therefore the end customer’s direct contractual partner, including for all warranty obligations, and consequently responsible for the professional, flawless installation and maintenance. Whether the assembly, commissioning and maintenance is carried out in part or in full by your company itself or by subcontracted companies is not decisive.The determining factor is that the company is the contractual partner of the end customer for the installation and integration of the PV system.
The Fronius System Partnership or Fronius Solutions Partnership is the successor to the Fronius Service Partnership and therefore replaces this model. The focus of the partnership is extended from just services to the design and implementation of complex complete systems in the field of photovoltaics, with the integration of energy storage, heating/cooling and electromobility supported by Fronius system solutions. The training focus in qualification training is changing accordingly. 
Your company benefits from a vital knowledge advantage for the successful use of Fronius Solar products and solutions. In addition, Fronius offers strong technical support and other promotional benefits for your company.
The benefits of the System Partnership for your company include preferential access to Fronius training offers and free access to all Fronius Solar.web Premium functions. Depending on the market, other advantages can be seen in the marketing, sales and service of the Fronius system solutions. This includes, for example, exclusive commissioning support or prioritisation within the Fronius Technical Support hotline.  
You can see the advantages you gain within the Fronius System Partnership on our website, once you have selected your country and the redirection to your corresponding page has taken place. Here you will find an overview of the benefits on offer and requirements listed.
As soon as the conditions of participation have been confirmed, an e-mail will be sent to the contact person who is listed as the main contact (FSP Main Contact) for your company in our system. This e-mail welcomes your company as a System Partner and describes how you can gain access to your benefits.
An automatic prioritisation takes place for the telephone numbers stored in our database for your company. You can see which telephone numbers have already been prioritised at Telephone numbers of System Partner companies are placed on a prioritised waiting list. The prioritised waiting list is always processed first. Only once this list is empty, are calls from the regular waiting list put through. In this way, we ensure that our well-trained partners receive expert telephone support as quickly as possible.
Fronius System Partners are promoted by Fronius as trained experts for Fronius system solutions. For this reason, Fronius expects that it’s System Partners actually are up to date with the latest information on the use and application possibilities of Fronius products and solutions. In concrete terms, we verify this through participation in webinars, training or customer events. Furthermore, it is expected that our System Partners will use Fronius products with a certain regularity. This includes the registration of a defined number of inverters as well as the integration of a defined number of PV systems in our Fronius Solar.web portal. In the event of non-compliance with the requirements in a given calendar year, Fronius will terminate the partnership agreement at the end of that calendar year.
You can find an overview of the explicit requirements that arise for your company within the Fronius System Partnership on our website, once you have selected your country and the redirection to your corresponding page has taken place. 

The Fronius System Partnership is not dependent on whether installation, commissioning or maintenance operations are carried out by your company itself or by a subcontractor working on your behalf.The decisive factor for the conclusion of the partnership is that the company is the contractual partner of the end customer and is therefore responsible for the professional design, installation and maintenance of the PV system.

If a subcontractor carries out the maintenance of a PV system belonging to a company registered as a Fronius System Partner, the following shall apply: The System Partner is obliged to ensure that the company that commissions or services the system is also a registered Fronius System Partner and has therefore experience and has been trained in professional installation and service. If the service activity includes the replacement of PC boards, this may only be carried out by persons who have attended the System Partner qualification training and are therefore trained in the execution of these service activities. 

No. If your company already has Fronius Service Partner status, the employee who signed the Fronius Service Partner contract and/or the managing director will receive the invitation to switch, which can be done online. This is due to the fact that the relevant employee is stored in our database as the FSP Main Contact. The invitation will be sent multiple times. 
In companies that are already Fronius Service Partners, the employee who signed the Fronius Service Partner contract is considered the FSP Main Contact. It is also possible that the FSP Main Contact is the managing director or departmental manager. 

From the announcement of the System Partnership, the registered FSP Main Contact will receive at least three invitations, sent to the e-mail address stored in the Fronius database. Normally, this is the employee who signed the previous contract or the managing director of the company.This e-mail includes the link to register on a website in order to confirm the terms and conditions of participation in the Fronius System Partnership.

The registration must be carried out using the e-mail address that received the link. If the relevant employee already has a Fronius user account for which the e-mail address is stored as a username, he or she can log in directly and view and confirm the conditions of participation. If the employee in question does not yet have a Fronius user account for which the e-mail address is stored as username, s/he must first create a user account with this e-mail address. 

The transition period depends on the terms and conditions for your market. Please contact your local contact person. For all markets managed directly by Fronius International GmbH, the transition period will come to an end on 30 June 2020. The Fronius Service Partnership will be discontinued as of 1 July 2020.
Once the transition period for the switch to the Fronius System Partnership has expired, the Fronius Service Partnership will be terminated. The previous contract will be terminated, subject to a three-month notice period, if a company has not carried out the change. All rights and obligations associated with the Fronius Service Partnership and set out in the Fronius Service Partner contract will lapse at the same time. With the end of the contractual relationship, the former Fronius Service Partner will be obliged to remove all references to its previous Fronius Service Partnership.


Please visit the Fronius website and select your country. You will be redirected to your corresponding information page regarding the partnership model offered. There you will find all information about the specific advantages and requirements of the partnership, as well as the link to the application form.If you meet the required criteria, we look forward to receiving your application at
To complete the application at, all mandatory fields must be completed. Please check the error message displayed and fill in the appropriate fields according to the instructions.
We would ask you to log in to your Fronius Solar.web user account and select a PV system that you set up and to which you have been granted access. The type of rights you have received for access is not relevant. Now copy the URL from the address bar of your browser. Paste this URL into the response field. If you have not yet created a PV system in your user account, it is not possible to complete the application. In order to be accepted as a Fronius System Partner, you must have created at least five PV systems in the Fronius Solar.web portal. In this way, Fronius wishes to ensure that there is already a basic understanding of how to use our portal in place when participating in qualification training. 
Before the registration for the desired training can be carried out, it is necessary to apply for the System Partnership. You can submit your application at note that we have set minimum acceptance criteria for quality assurance purposes, and the satisfaction of said criteria is a prerequisite. The final decision regarding an invitation to participate in the partnership lies with Fronius.You can find the criteria on the Fronius website, in the Installers section. Select your country here. You will be redirected to the partner page for your market. There you will find an overview of the goals, advantages and requirements.


Companies applying for the Fronius System Partnership for the first time will receive their invitation via the person who submitted the application. This invitation contains a link for viewing and confirming the terms and conditions of participation. The corresponding registration must be made via the e-mail address which received the invitation. If this e-mail address is already stored as a username for a Fronius user account, the terms and conditions of participation can be viewed and confirmed via this user account. If no Fronius user account has yet been created for this e-mail address, this must be done first.
The Fronius user account serves as an access point for a range of online uses and applications. In the medium term, with just one user account, Fronius customers will have access to all the online tools and customer areas that Fronius makes available to them. For example, log-in to the Fronius Solar.web portal is carried out with the Fronius user account.
Please ensure that your user account is already a Fronius user account that can be used for cross-platform login. You can check this by trying to create a new Fronius user account with the e-mail address concerned. If this is possible, no Fronius user account with your e-mail address has been registered before. Please therefore complete the registration process. If you already have a Fronius user account, we recommend that you reset your password. 

Updating employee data

The FSP Main Contact is your company’s contact person who will be contacted by Fronius regarding all Fronius System Partnership issues. The FSP Main Contact is stored in our customer database. Only the FSP Main Contact has access to update the business contact information on the site.
If you are registered with Fronius as the main contact person (FSP Main Contact), you can log in at, using your e-mail address that is stored in our database, and edit certain business contact information for your colleagues and yourself.
In this case, at least one contact does not have a telephone number stored or the telephone number/mobile number is not stored in the correct format. The relevant fields are underlined in red, please check and correct them. Please ensure that all telephone numbers are in international format, starting with +, followed by the country code and the telephone number. No spaces or special characters (#/-, etc.) are permitted.If a contact does not have their own telephone number or extension, please enter the general telephone number of your company for this contact.
The main contact person for FSP issues (FSP Main Contact) stored by Fronius can access the business contact information for company employees at any time at Here it is possible both to remove employees and to add new ones. It is also possible to update the main task areas of the employees, as well as their business telephone numbers, addresses and e-mail addresses.

If you are registered with Fronius as the main contact person (FSP Main Contact), you can log in at using your old e-mail address and update the stored e-mail address there within your contact data. Please note that once the update is complete, you will need to use the new e-mail address to log in. If no Fronius user account has yet been registered for the updated e-mail address, you must register a new Fronius user account for it before logging in.

If you are not registered as a main contact person (FSP Main Contact), please inform your main contact person so that they can update your e-mail address in their user account.